Pranit Yawalkar

Full Stack Developer

I am a passionate Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting visually stunning and user-friendly web applications.

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What I do?


I design and build beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly websites and web applications using modern frontend frameworks and libraries such as React and Angular


I build and maintain robust and scalable backend APIs and microservices using popular programming languages such as Spring Boot and Node.js.


I am also proficient in modern deployment tools like Docker, Kubernetes and deploygng and managing the web applications in a variety of environments.



VMeet - A Video Conference App

VMeet - A Video Conference App

VMeet is a video conference application created using NextJS 13, ShadcnUI. This application involves instant meetings, schedule meetings, recording and advanced meeting features.

Shopping Spot Ecommerce App

Shopping Spot Ecommerce App

Shopping Spot is an ecommerce application created using ReactJS and TailwindCSS in Frontend and Nodejs, Express, MongoDB in backend. This application also involves payment integration using Razorpay.



Shopforhome is an Microservices based ecommerce application created using Java, Spring Boot in baceknd and Angular and Bootstrap 5 are used in the front end.


Sr. Full Stack Developer

Deepneura Technologies

  • Successfully delivered several user-friendly interfaces for web applications using React, Angular, Material UI and Tailwind CSS
  • Developed robust mobile applications with React Native, achieving high user satisfaction. Integrated native modules and third-party APIs to extend app functionality.
  • Leveraged AWS Serverless architecture to create cost-effective and scalable solutions.
  • Managed cloud infrastructure using AWS services and ensured high availability and security.
  • Built and maintained scalable backend services using Node.js. Designed and implemented RESTful APIs for various applications.


  • Worked on a project which includes Java, Spring Boot, Microservices in Backend
  • In frontend, worked on Angular, Angular Material and Bootstrap

Contact Me

Do you like what I do? Do you want to collaborate with me. Feel free to reach me on: